When someone in a balloon dress comes to your event, no one forgets it.
Like any other material, balloons can be woven into fabric and made into elaborate and memorable garments that, however ephemeral, have a fabulous visual impact.
Molly Balloons' balloon dresses are a highly interactive and fascinating art form that function as irresistible photo ops at parties and events. So have Molly Balloons in balloons at your event, or put your company's name on or behind a balloon dress, and your event and/or logo will spread like wildfire across social media.
Balloon dress entertainers serve serve as art installations, cocktail waitresses, or most anything in between. Or Molly's entertainers can be featured in a fashion show custom-designed for your event.
Now available on stilts or floating on hoverboards!
Molly Balloons also makes custom balloon couture for anyone wanting to add that extra pop to her special occasion ensemble, including dresses, crowns/hats, boas, wings, and jewelry.
“But how can you sit in them?” You basically can’t.
“What if one pops?” I repair it.
“Are they uncomfortable?” No, just squeaky. So, so squeaky.
Royals opening day dress
From table centerpieces to balloon logo installations to wall art to ballrooms transformed with balloons, if you can dream it, I can twist it!
Front page of Cosmopolitan: http://www.cosmopolitan.com/lifestyle/a6951137/molly-balloons-balloon-dresses/
ABC, Good Morning America: http://abcnews.go.com/Lifestyle/woman-makes-christmas-tree-dress-590-balloons/story?id=43546703
Voted Top 10 Most Bad*** People in Kansas City: expired link
Bored Panda:
Better than the Weeekend: http://betterthantheweekend.com/15-works-art-will-motivate-get-life-together-pronto/
Yahoo: https://www.yahoo.com/celebrity/really-balloon-artist-163312269.html
Fox 4 Royals interview: http://fox4kc.com/2015/10/27/royals-fan-shows-off-spirit-with-an-outfit-that-really-pops/
Fox 4 Chiefs interview: http://fox4kc.com/2016/01/16/chiefs-fan-really-pumped-up-for-playoffs/
KCTV5 spot
KCTV5 Red Friday
610 Sports Radio interview: http://media.610sports.com/a/108597032/08-25-3pm-balloon-girl-from-royals-game-in-studio-curt-schilling-s-tweet.htm
Buzzfeed: http://www.buzzfeed.com/mollyballoons/things-are-poppin-in-kansas-city-this-fall-no-re-1z08z
Interview: https://mcclainjohnson.com/2016/03/17/blowing-up-an-interview-with-balloon-artist-molly-munyan/